Episode 108: The King of the Catfish

Episode 108: The King of the Catfish

Ep 108 Geoff

Yes, Bellevue isn't Bellevue, but given that Napoleon was abandoned in Seattle, I couldn't resist.


Ep 108 Dolby

As we said before, Abe Lincoln could pretty much pull off whatever he wanted by means of a Charming Folksy Anecdote. My favorite Lincoln anecdote is from the first volume of Sandburg's biography which is like ten whole feet away so I shall paraphrase it:

It seems Joe Collins got mighty drunk last week. His pals told him to sleep it off in the barn, but he insisted on hooking his horse up to his wagon and driving home through the forest. Of course, he was drunker than ten priests come Monday morning, and he fell asleep. As it happened, his wagon hit a stone and it spooked the horse, who slipped his traces and ran off into the woods. Course, Joe slept through the whole thing and when he woke up in the morning his eyes near drop out of his sockets as he looks around and yells, "If my name be Joe Collins, I've lost a horse, and if it ain't, I've gained a wagon!"

It is, to my mind, the best story ever.

- Count Dolby von Luckner

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