Episode 155: Bonesaw Complications

Episode 155: Bonesaw Complications

Ep 155 Geoff

Well, I wasn't able to get colors done quite yet. I was busy watching the Eagles-Cowboys game tonight.

I should be heartened that the Birds look like they are good this year, but they went ahead lost. To the Cowboys.

Sometimes, when things aren't going too well, I remember that one day the Reaper will come for Jerry Jones. That usually brings a smile to my face.


Ep 155 Dolby

An old mathematician joke:

"There is an engineer, a physicist, and a mathematician each standing before a room that contains a fire, a bucket of water, and a bucket of sand. The engineer goes in, and puts the fire out by smothering it with sand. The physicist goes in to his room, and puts the fire out by pouring the bucket of water on it. The mathematician goes in, looks at the situation, declares "A Solution Exists", and leaves."

So, Newton might not be the best guy to handle surgery, is what I guess I'm saying.

In further defense of the lack of colors on today's episode, I should mention that Rock Band 2 DID come out on Sunday, and with such a release come certain obligations of a thrashalogical nature...

- Count Dolby von Luckner

Archival Items!

The Dirty Charlemagne
Frederick Takes a Week
Frederick Dislikes Poe

Ep 155 Geoff 2

Here are about half of the colors, the rest are coming soon!


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