Episode 192: Argumentum ad Ipsum

Episode 192: Argumentum ad Ipsum

Ep 192 Geoff

Ontological paradox! Once more it rears its head eating its tail.

Apparently, every last homie is, in fact, down with O.P. these days.

I think "Lost" is averaging about one paradox per episode in this new season.


Ep 192 Dolby

Why have one's hair dried Sideways? If you haven't been reading up on your demiscalp neutral blood flow stimulation technology, then, brother, you ain't livin'...

Hey, Geoff put some battle names in the script!! That means I get to do this...!

Unlike say Wellington or Scipio Africanus, Frederick won in battle just about as often as he lost, though the wonder is that he ever won at all... he was routinely outnumbered, fighting with troops scrounged from eight times picked over cantons, far away from his supply bases, negotiating forced march after forced march to deal with the latest crisis ... And yet, in spite of it all, he pulled off the immensely improbable victories above and, more astounding, managed to survive utter catastrophes like Kolin and Kunersdorf.

Largely, this was because the Allies let him. There are similarities to the American Civil War... had Austria, Russia, France, Saxony, Hungary, and Sweden all chosen a single Grant to attack at once, in a coordinated fashion, from all sides, it would have been over quickly. Instead, they all carried out war in their own separate ways and paces, (which Frederick, to give him his full credit, knew they would do when deciding to enter such a seemingly impossible war), and allowed Frederick to play the part of Lee, using his internal lines of communication and supply to stay alive and stay alive and often win in spite of every military and diplomatic handicap until Grant and Sherman changed the game...

- Count Dolby von Luckner

Ep 192 Dolby 2

Oh, and Happy 200 Charles Darwin!! U R ROK STR!!!

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