Episode 217: Turn It On. Wind It Up. Blow It Out. BPO.

Episode 217: Turn It On.  Wind It Up.  Blow It Out.  BPO.

Ep 217 Dolby

First, an exciting announcement. Together with Christy Frantz, I'll be editing a new literary journal, Rivets. If you are a new writer or poet looking to get published, stop on by and send us your stuff!

In the meantime...

von Bulow. Nikisch. Furtwaengler. von Karajan.

Yeah, the Berlin Philharmonic has done all right for itself over the years.

Really, this episode is just here is a public service message reminding you to always carry your favorite Engineering Handbook with you at all times...

- Count Dolby von Luckner

Ep 217 Geoff

Using the amazing powers of math, I've found a faster way to color the comic. It is so awesome that it almost feels like cheating.

I was thinking about an algorithmic way to automatically colorize black and white panels along the lines of the Four Color Theorem. Something like an iterator over the x and y of the image, doing a flood fill if the pixel wasn't black (to handle anti-aliasing) or one of the four colors, and then something clever to make sure I wasn't re-using a contiguous color.

Fortunately, some internet searching not only turned up two much better tools for handling the basic flatting case. They are located here. I probably owe the developer a donation, because this saves an incredible amount of time.

Also, the previously uncolored Episode 0214 has fallen to the amazing powers of algorithm. The uncolored gaps in the archives are officially on notice.



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