Episode 359: Cool, Considerate Men

Episode 359: Cool, Considerate Men

Ep 359 Dolby

That's right, it's off to the end of the Long Nineteenth Century with us - Geoff has been dishing out his plans piece by piece to me here and I am mightily excited. I am drawing up 360 at this very moment and it is Franztastic!

Speaking of Franztastic, I finished reading the Knights of Nine to Five first volume yesterday, and it is a mighty fine thing. The story of a middle aged knight errant in a questing conglomerate looking to prove he's still adventure material, it is written with a tinge of Black Adder dry wit that keeps you from feeling too closely the truth of, yeah, one day you're done.

And now, more sketches! I'm still working through the pile - only a couple left, so if you haven't gotten yours yet (and you asked for one), drop me a note and let me know!

The Manhattan Project - After Hours!!

A Stately Bit of Nathan Hale Portraiture!!

- Count Dolby von Luckner

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