Those of you keeping up with us on Twitter already have heard the big news: As part of Berlin's celebration of Frederick's 300th Birthday in 2012, our comic will be featured in the Berlin Historical Museum from late March to early July! I'm hoping to work out a trip in June to take in all of the festivities and meet some of the European Frederick Faithful - keep tuning in to The Twitters for details!
As well as for news about the dangers of Don't Stop Believing, why Madeleine Graham is awesome, and our favorite stories about Hector Berlioz cross dressing!
On a slightly less international scope, we are also going to be at the East Bay Alternative Press Book Fair in Berkeley in December - it's a neat event focusing on zines, lit journals, and webcomics, and Berkeley is always a fine place to spend a day (Berkeley Hat and Moe's Books are basically my two favorite places ever), so come on out!
- Count Dolby von Luckner