I have been horribly remiss in writing to you all as of late. Part of it has to do with the fact that, as a high school teacher, December is usually the time when steam just plain runs out, and the new school schedules that go a week later than normal haven't helped that. But now we are on break and can forge ahead a bit. For the next two weeks, I'll be back in the scripting seat for a while as Geoff spends his holidays with, strange to tell, family. I'm not going to say too much, but we'll be spending some time with Euler and his new solitudinal protectors as they start a quest that will have momentous consequences in about four months, so, though the title will say Holiday Special, this shit be canon, yo!
As our Twitter followers know, I've been spending an obscene amount of time as of late digging through the works of Stephen Fry, which are delectable, as well as through my new copies of the print editions of Lasalle's Legacy, The Paul Reveres, and Cardboard Angel. I have, as was perhaps expected, been terrible about keeping my promise to bring you all new pre-filtered webcomics of note to munch on on a weekly basis, but hope to make amends next Tuesday - I am stirring the pot here and several delightful morsels are bubbling to the surface.
- Count Dolby von Luckner