Sara McCardle-Blunk presents: Tsar Auditions!!
Happy 300th Birthday, Frederick the Great! To celebrate, a Very Special Guest Strip from Sara McCardle Blunk of Prophecy Failed!
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Yes, the old boy turns 300 today, and my what he's weathered in that time. There are few other figures in history who have meant as many different things to as many different people - there is so much packed in this one little man that almost anything you can think to say about him is probably in some way correct, even wildly contradictory things. And that is why I love him, and why writing him never gets old for me. So party it up Fritz - you deserve it!!
And to help you, we have our first ever entirely guest written and drawn episode! You've heard me many times wax rhapsodic about Prophecy Failed and its simply wonderful flowing charm. I am delighted afresh each time I check into it, so you can imagine how excited I was when Geoff told me the plan that he and Sara hatched during Pirates of Penzance rehearsals for this guest strip. And I was not disappointed! Oh Peter III, fate was not kind to you...
- Count Dolby von Luckner